LVCNR Update v3.3.2


Version 3.3.2 Update   What’s New: Remade Textdraw Location System: Almost all the locations including interiors will now show up in the Textdraw Locations. This is what it means: Also fixed 10-20 & $loc in the places where they weren’t showing up. /HousesforSale will list upto 20 houses for sale.…

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LVCNR Update v3.3.1

Version 3.3.1 Update   What’s New: Quitter Bonus System: For those who /q (quit) to avoid arrests or hits we’ve something new in store! For Cops/LEO: Whenever an arrestable wanted player quits the game while there are cops within his peripheral range, the cops will now get a quitter bonus…

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LVCNR Anniversary Update v3.3

Version 3.3 Update   Introduction The wait is over! The much awaited mega update of LVCNR is finally here! Excited? So are we. Read on to know more. This update introduces many features & new systems to your LVCNR Gameplay experience. The team had been working on this update for…

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LVCNR Update v3.2.2

Version 3.2.2 Update   Changelog: New command added: /ejectme (/ejm) -This will eject you from any vehicle you’re as a passenger. Will not work if you are tied/kidnapped. Trashmaster mission now earns you score for collecting 10+ bags. Bus mission now earns you score, in addition to cash & XP.…

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LVCNR Update v3.2.1

Version 3.2.1 Update   New Rule: Wanted players CANNOT randomly attack or DM among themselves anymore. An announcement also appears every time you spawn in game. The rules have accordingly been changed in /rules. Announced on LVCNR App, Discord, Server, Wiki & Forum. On violation, you are liable to get…

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LVCNR Update v3.2.0


Version 3.2.0 Update By: denNorske & dB.​ Bugfixes Optimised the Arrest range /tk no longer requires <id> /tie no longer requires <id> Fixed Featured houses sale bug Fixed Achievements typo Additions and changes: Increased payday benefits to players. Increased fishing payout to players. Added check for cops in gang captures…

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LVCNR – Way Forward

With the advent of SA-MP decimating without any updates & furtherance, the LVCNR management has decided to hibernate the community (like we did in 2011) and consider resuming when Open:MP surfaces. Meanwhile, we’d leave the SA-MP server running, for anyone who wishes to play. We may also consider switching the…

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LVCNR Update v3.1.2

Version 3.1.2 UpdateBy: denNorske & dB.​ Bugfixes Fixed stat loss bug. It will now show you an error if there is something wrong and ask you to reconnect. Isn’t that awesome? No more stat loss whoop whoop! “Fixed” Blowjob and edited blowjob message(s).. ehe? You better figure out this one.…

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LVCNR v3.1.1 Released

Bugfixes: /resetpass and !resetpass added for administrators. Anticheat has been updated to be more accurate and stable. We did have some issues 3.1.0 which I hope is resolved now. /trucking missions had an issue where the end checkpoint did not always work. In this update, the ending checkpoint will work…

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LVCNR v3.1.0 Released

Version 3.1.0 Update By: denNorske, X337, dB., R@f STATS RESET Due to modifications in the code, all player stats have been reset, except the player score. This includes all your movable & immovable assets. If you owned a custom house (purchased from the store), it would still be there for…

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