Version 3.1.0 Update
By: denNorske, X337, dB., R@f
- Due to modifications in the code, all player stats have been reset, except the player score. This includes all your movable & immovable assets.
- If you owned a custom house (purchased from the store), it would still be there for you.
- VIPs keep their VIP levels
- Your gangs remain intact, so does your membership. Gang scores are reset. Start the wars again!
Who will go ahead and be the king of LVCNR?
- Added Regular Player Lounge (RPL). Players with at least 100 score & 1000 XP will be able to enter the RPL. Got a hit? Are you wanted? Stay out! Your weapons are disabled while inside RPL. So no fighting!
- Added Air Vehicle Repair Stations all over San Andreas. Find them & use them! You can also get other vehicles repaired, for an extra cost!
- Added Speedometer on vehicles. Displays speeds in MPH & KMPH.
- Added /call911. Allows civilians to contact emergency services.
- Cops will require at least 30 arrests to be able to /bail players.
- /Lotto jackpot increased.
- New Moneybag locations added.
- You can SendMoney (/sm) only to nearby players now.
- Secret Service Class can now use explosives during combat.
- New weapons added for weapon dealers. Tweaked few features & changed the weapon prices.
- A few weapons disabled for passenger drive-by.
- /changepass command upgraded.
- VIP Skin change for VIPs will now cost $5000 everytime, in game.
- If you shoot a car with a passenger inside (and no driver), the car will take damage. This was not possible in v3.0.0 and before.
- Weapon pickups in VIP Lounge are fixed.
- Player kicks from events like derby , race, etc are fixed.
- Checkpoints bug for sweeper & forklift missions fixed.
- Paused player de-sync issue fixed.
- Purchasing vehicles at the dealership will not kick you anymore.
- LEOs other than cops are now liable to get LEO banned for excessive team kills.
- Anti-Cheat random kicks fixed.
- And several small issues with the anti-cheat has been sorted out, to ensure a better gameplay.